Tribute to CW

As we say goodbye to 2006 and welcome 2007, I wanted to pay tribute to a dear friend and great musician, Chris Williams.

“CW” was the drummer and one of the founding members of the Pat McGee Band, a group I traveled with last year for Chris and I worked on a number of projects since then and I saw him whenever we were in the same city at the same time.

Unfortunately, Chris passed away unexpectedly in October. He was one of those rare people that everyone liked. His enthusiasm for life and music was contagious and you couldn’t help but be in a good mood when he was around.

I did this portrait of Chris under the piers in Ocean City, MD this past summer.

Chris Williams 

In his honor, I’m donating all of the profits from Pat McGee Band print sales at to the Progeria Research Foundation. Chris had a special friendship with Sam, now 10, who is a drummer and has Progeria. You can read more about it here.
